Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Media

Mobile phones haven't been brought in over night, they have been improving rapidly over the years. Growing up i have seen mobiles go from something that resembled a miniature brick, with the best feature being the game snake where you would navigate a hungry rectangle around the screen collecting an unknown square of food. it is now 2010 and we have phones where you can surf the Internet wherever you may be with the exception of underground tunnels, hence being underground, with the net being so available most mobile networks are offering free access to other forms of new media such as Facebook and Twitter . Most phones will now at least have some form of camera on there phones ranging from cameras where you can't make out which blur is who to cameras that have up to 12 mega pixels where you would have no need to buy an basic digital camera and because you are always carrying your "mobile" phone you always have the chance to capture the moments in which you wish you had your camera .The first commercial phone to have a camera was the J-Phone which had a camera with 0.1 mega pixels and came with other features such as the color LCD screen,One touch Internet access and a speaker phone which are just basic features of a mobile phone nowadays but at the time this was the phone to have. If your phone has a camera nowadays than it will most likely be able to capture videos as well but isn't really a feature used to a great extent of seriousness, this feature is probably one of the biggest offenders when it come to the filming of fights and general stupidity which is one the reasons in why Youtube another form of new media where you can post almost any video that you've made unless it's pornographic or just that bit to gruesome.The Worst thing that the camera phone is being used for is the so called fad of "Happy Slapping" where someone or a group assault another person and one them stands back and records the assault on the phone. One the reasons why kids are doing this is because it's so accessible and they can easily show and boast about it to there friends via video messaging, some victims have been killed through "Happy Slapping", one of the worst cases was in the United Kingdom where a teenage girl filmed a man being beaten to death was sentenced to two years Detention in the first case of it's kind to ever be put through the courts. .

Navigation is another new feature that has hit the mobiles, don't worry about pulling out the melways when your lost , the mobile phone has it covered that's if you're with a good network that is, you could be waiting around for a while for a satellite to report back and tell you where you aren't. With a good network this new feature can be very handy but just in case it's best to keep the melways in the glove box. Text messaging is on of the biggest forms of communication in the world today. In the US there are about 2.5 billion text messages sent each day, there are more text messages sent per phone than phone calls because it's so easy and inexpensive. Text messaging has also brought a whole new form of bullying , a study of 218 Queensland teens found that 93.6 percent of had at least one incident that included them in getting phone bullied, also known as M-bullying. Text bullying can be one of the most frightening form of bullying around today because anyone can send you anything whether it be a threat or an accusation and if you don't have or know the number it can really terrify them knowing it could be anyone sending you these taunting messages.Mobile phones have taken multitasking to a whole new level, mobile phones have allowed us to have business meetings on the other side of the world whilst doing the groceries. Mobile phones have become so common that we don't even realize how much they have made life easier e.g you've just left home your half to the city you have left your wallet at home OH NO, instead of having to get off the train trek all the way back home to retrieve your wallet you phone a brother or sister who may be coming in to the city later on to bring it with them, if there not, your screwed. cell phone have also changed us in the way that we don't have to call a say friend or family's house where we hope that they're home but we call there cell phone and they are always there. Cell phones have also changed the way in which we interect wtih strangers because back before cell phones we would interact with people ,ay not even know just because we had nothing to do, but now if say were on a long train ride nothing to do no one to talk to, you text your friend or give mum a call.

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